A welcomed reinforcement of market surveillance in Europe

FEM has submitted its position paper to the European Commission on the proposal for a Regulation on compliance and enforcement in the Single Market (as part of the Goods Package). Whereas market surveillance is a very important issue for the European materials handling industry, the paper highlights FEM overall support to the proposal, notably the… Read more »

A welcomed reinforcement of market surveillance in Europe

Digitisation: machinery Directive still fit for purpose

Materials handling equipment manufacturers are experiencing different aspects and effects of digitisation (cybersecurity, artificial intelligence…) both in their manufacturing processes and in the equipment that they produce. For most FEM manufacturers the Machinery Directive is the main reference legislation prescribing mandatory essential requirements to ensure the safe design and operation of the equipment they produce…. Read more »

Digitisation: machinery Directive still fit for purpose

Road circulation requirements for mobile machinery

In the framework of the new EC initiative on road circulation, FEM provided its feedback on the Commission inception impact assessment, which is now available on the EU “Better Regulation” web portal: http://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/initiatives/ares-2017-5654660/feedback/F8254_en. Our response focuses on the preference of a regulatory approach which combines self-certification for the majority of road circulation aspects while third… Read more »

Industry recognised as an essential partner for market surveillance

Efficient and effective market surveillance is absolutely essential for the materials handling industry. Indeed, it ensures that a level playing field can be maintained for those companies that have made sizeable investments to be compliant with a variety of EU legal requirements. In addition, it is necessary to achieve the EU regulatory objectives in terms… Read more »