Author: Olivier

FEM joins Orgalime

FEM President Jan van der Velden and Secretary General Olivier Janin are attending Orgalime General Assembly meeting in Copenhagen. FEM President presented FEM to Orgalime and earlier today, FEM was accepted as an Associate Member of Orgalime. FEM Presentation Orgalime GA 2015 Orgalime is the European Engineering Industries Association. It represents the interests of the… Read more »

FEM co-founds industry group on standardisation policy

FEM features among the 16 co-founders of INGRESS – the INdustry GRoup on European Standardisation Strategy. Whereas FEM, its members and Product Groups are heavily involved in standardisation work, FEM felt it was important to ensure that industry’s interests are well promoted and defended in the framework of European standardisation policy. INGRESS’ first objective will… Read more »

FEM position on exhaust emissions proposal

In December 2014, FEM adopted its official position on the revision of Directive 97/68/EC on engine emissions from non-road mobile machinery. The legislation impacts on 4 families of materials handling equipment: industrial trucks, telehandlers, mobile cranes and mobile elevating work platforms. FEM generally welcomes the proposal, and notably the proposed limit values, schedule for application… Read more »