Joint industry position paper on the digital declaration of conformity

Together with six EU trade associations, FEM co-signed a joint position paper calling on the European Commission to allow the use of digital declarations of conformity (DoCs) in relevant EU product safety legislation. As a supporter of digital documentation, FEM believes that DoCs can also be provided digitally as an alternative to the paper format,… Read more »

Joint industry position paper on the digital declaration of conformity

FEM Industry Leaders – Interview with Ernesto Domínguez

To take a deep dive into key topics for our industry, FEM is carrying out a series of interviews with materials handling industry leaders. So far we have spoken to Jos De Vuyst, former FEM President and CEO of STOW, Gordon Riske, former President of the FEM Industrial Trucks Product Group and CEO of KION… Read more »

FEM Industry Leaders – Interview with Ernesto Domínguez

FEM statement on the proposal for a Regulation on the road approval of non-road mobile machinery

The European Materials Handling Federation welcomes the European Commission proposal for a Regulation on the road type-approval for non-road mobile machinery. After many years of discussion on the need for a European framework, manufacturers are glad to see a harmonised regulatory instrument that will ensure a high level of safe circulation of non-road mobile machinery… Read more »

FEM statement on the proposal for a Regulation on the road approval of non-road mobile machinery

Celebrating International Women’s Day: an interview with Eva Virtute

We are proud to celebrate International Women’s Day on 8 March as a special opportunity to shine the spotlight on women working in the materials handling industry, highlighting unique experiences and expertise, and what led them on this career path. Today we share with you the story of Eva Virtute, Advocacy & Product Sustainability Director at… Read more »

Celebrating International Women’s Day: an interview with Eva Virtute