What is FEM?
FEM has represented European manufacturers of materials handling, lifting and storage equipment since it was founded in 1953. FEM is a non-profit trade association (AISBL under Belgian law) permanently based in Brussels to better represent its members and their interests vis-à-vis the European institutions and European partners.
FEM currently consists of 13 members from the EU, as well as UK and Turkey. They are the driving forces in promoting a common vision for FEM industries and in maintaining the European materials handling, lifting and storage industry’s position of leader on the world market. The European industry has an annual turnover of nearly 62 billion euros (2015). In total, FEM represents more than 1,000 companies with about 160,000 employees, covering around 80% of all eligible European companies. It thus accounts for more than half of the world’s total production.
FEM membership is open to the national organisations of European countries representing manufacturers of materials handling equipment or their association. European sector organisations representing manufacturers of specific materials handling equipment can also become ordinary members of FEM. European and non-European sector organisations are eligible for associate membership if they represent manufacturers of specific materials or services which are complementary to material handling equipment.
FEM also counts European companies of materials handling equipment as “individual” members who are already members of National Committees.