World production of materials handling equipment stable in 2016

World production of materials handling equipment stable in 2016

Cumulated production value of materials handling equipment in China, Japan, the E.U. and the U.S. was stable at €147bn in 2016. The drop experienced by cranes & lifting equipment was compensated by sustained growth if intralogistics systems and industrial trucks.

Contrarily to the year before, the four regions experienced different developments. Whereas the production value of Japan grew by 5.5%, that of the EU and the US mostly stagnated (+1% and -0.5%, respectively). China conceded a 2.5% decrease.

The situation was equally diverging at product level. Whilst racking and shelving stagnated, intralogistics systems and industrial trucks grew by more than 4% each. That was just enough to compensate the -4.5% result for cranes & lifting equipment

See the full press release from the World Materials Handling Alliance.

The World Statistics are available in the section “General Publications